





How to Order

SPI Wrecking Yard


How much we hate to admit it, we're not perfect. Occasional slip-ups do enter our designs. While we fix these on-the-fly, people with older editions of games may be unaware of the changes.

Cuban Missile Crisis

WAR IN EUROPE TABLE (correction): The modifiers for "Capture Berlin" and "(recapture)" assumes the Warsaw Pact has already taken the city, whether or not the Capture Berlin card has been played.
War in Turkey (correction): The dice roll modifier for Warsaw Pact ally collapses (12) should be +3.

Map (correction): US Naval Base Guantanamo Bay (hex 1905) should be a US port (13/4/03).

Cards (clarification): There is a blank Soviet card.  This is simply an extra card.

2.0 Game Components (correction): the first run of rules incorrectly list the number of players' aids as two; this should read 3(one American, one Communist and one general).

3.3.2 Ground Combat Strength (ommission): Units with no ground combat strength (or pure red) are eliminated if enemy units enter their hex.  Enemy units may freely move through units with no ground combat strength (including airmobile movement).

9.1.4 Ceasefire (addition): if the Soviets withdraw the War in Turkey card, a ceasefire has been reached.  The dice roll modifier level remains as they are in the event the war is resumed (13/4/03).

9.2.4 Ceasefire (addition): if either player withdraws the War in Europe card, a ceasefire has been reached.  The dice roll modifier level remains as they are in the event the war is resumed (13/4/03).

16.3.6 Interdiction (ommission): air units can fly air or ground interdiction with the intent of exerting air and interdiction zones of control (see 13.2, 13.3).  Unit fly to the target hex and remain there until the next friendly air recovery phase (13/4/03).

18.1 Strategic Forces (clarification): Missiles removed from Cuba, Turkey and Italy are not counted towards victory.

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