





How to Order

SPI Wrecking Yard


How much we hate to admit it, we're not perfect. Occasional slip-ups do enter our designs. While we fix these on-the-fly, people with older editions of games may be unaware of the changes.

Live Free or Die

PLAYERS' AID - GROUND COMBAT UNIT TYPE LEGEND (omission): Motoroized infantry are non-mechanized.

PLAYERS' AID - GROUND COMBAT UNIT TYPE LEGEND (omission): Engineers are not shown and are non-mechanized.

COUNTERS (correction): BB have a bombardment strength of 5 (not S). Later printings have this corrected.

6.0 Reinforcements(omission): when a unit is eliminated, it goes back into the unit pool for one side ready to be pulled out again in the reinforcement phase.

12.2 Artillery(omission): In a support or bombardment roll, artillery strengths are unaffected by terrain, either on the attack or defense (though the defender's ground combat strengths would be affected as normal).

12.2.1 Artillery Support (clarification): While the defense is limited to one artillery unit per combat, there is no limit on attacking artillery.

13.2 Victory Points(correction): Victory goes to the player with the highest victory point total (there are no victory levels as defined in the scenarios).

14.5 Air Missions(omission): In a support or bombardment roll, air strengths are unaffected by terrain, either on the attack or defense (though the defender's ground combat strengths would be affected as normal).

14.6 Air Combat(clarification): Once units have been split into air combat or mission, they cannot change roles. Mission units do not return fire during air combat.

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